The story of the world oldest vine
The Oldest Vine Festival is a culinary and cultural tribute to the world oldest vine in Maribor
2017 Event 1. oct. - 11.Nov. 2017
The story of the world oldest vine
The Oldest Vine Festival is a culinary and cultural tribute to the world oldest vine in Maribor
2017 Event 1. oct. - 11.Nov. 2017

The Old Vine survived for centuries, despite furious fights between invaders and defenders of the city going on in its immediate vicinity…

Harvesting day in Maribor become an International Event. Guests and visitors are coming from many countries.

One of the biggest festivals and city is grape harvest of the oldest vine in the world.
The Old Vine Festival is a culinary and cultural tribute to the world oldest vine enriched with a strong cultural program.

The Old Vine Festival is a culinary and cultural tribute to the world oldest vine enriched with a strong cultural program.