“ Mr Gregor Kozovinc, Charge’ d’Affaires of the Republic of Slovenia
“ Vinko Rizmal 
“ Members of the Slovenian Community
“ Ladies and Gentlemen
I am very pleased to be able to join you today for the first ‘official harvesting’ of the cutting of the Old Vine from Maribor.
Today’s event takes on even greater symbolic importance as it coincides with the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union.
The Slovenian people have a wonderful history dating back many hundreds of years. And just as this vine is thriving in its adopted country, so too are the Slovenian people.
Slovenians from all walks of life have made numerous contributions to
Australian society and it is a privilege to see your culture on display at today’s event.
Seven years ago, a very small cutting from the world’s oldest grapevine was planted here. As a result of the care of Max McWilliam and his team, today that cutting is no longer small.
As the mayor of the Shire of Yarra Ranges I am proud to be able to say that we are home to this very historic grapevine. Its presence here is an important symbol of the connection between the people of the Yarra Ranges and those of Maribor.
The fact that we are here today celebrating this important part of Slovenian history and culture is due to the efforts of Vinko Rizmal. And I would like to pay tribute to Vinko, who has done so much to promote friendship and understanding between Australia and the Republic of Slovenia.
I hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to one day soon sampling the fruits of this wonderful vine.
Thank you.
Tim Hennan
Shire of Yarra Ranges – The Mayor
Vinko Rizmal
Koordinator Projektov
Slovenian Trading & Cultural Network in Australia
3 Church Street, Kallista 3791 Victoria
Spoštovani gospod Rizmal! 
Prisrčna hvala za Vaše prijazno sporočilo in čestitke k mojemu imenovanju na diplomatsko dolžnost. Ko sprejemam Vaše pismo, bi Vam rad povedal, da ste kot dober Avstralec in Slovenec, rodoljub in svetovljan, doslej veliko naredili za prepoznavnost Slovenije v Avstraliji in Avstralije v Sloveniji, zato je prav, da Vam za Vas trud izrečem priznanje.
Zelo sem vesel, da je cepič častitljive Stare trte, najstarejše žlahtne trte na svetu že obrodil. Kot župan Univerzitetnega mesta Maribor sem pred leti z veseljem podprl Vaš predlog, da bi potomko naše žlahtne trte, ki že peto stoletje rase v našem lepem Mariboru, posadili v Avstraliji. Ponosen sem, da je trta dobro prenesla potovanje v daljno in lepo Avstralijo ter tudi pri Vas našla rodovitno zemljo, blagodejno podnebje, predvsem pa marljive ljudi, ki zanjo dobro skrbijo.
Žal se Vam v nedeljo, 6. aprila ne bom mogel pridružiti na prvi avstralski uradni trgatvi potomke najstarejše žlahtne trte na svetu. Želim pa Vam nadvse prijetno praznovanje tega lepega dosežka. V Sloveniji je trgatev vesel dogodek. Verjamem da bo tako tudi v prijateljski Avstraliji.
Stara trta poslej povezuje kontinente, predvsem pa ljudi, ki, kot bi rekel nas največji pesnik dr. France Preseren, “dobro v srcu mislimo”. Naj bo tako tudi v prihodnje. Četudi živimo na različnih koncih sveta, nas Stara trta povezuje v skupnih vrednotah sobivanja in sožitja, medsebojnega razumevanja in življenjske radosti.
Z odličnim spoštovanjem in najboljšimi željami!
Boris Sovič
Veleposlanik Republike Slovenije
Dear Mr. Rizmal!
Thank you very much for your kind message and congratulations on my appointment to the diplomatic mission. When I accept your letter, I would like to say that you, as a good Australian and Slovenian, patriot and cosmopolitan, have done a lot for the recognition of Slovenia in Australia and Australia in Slovenia, so it is right that I give you recognition for your efforts.
I am very pleased that the grapevine of the Old Vine is the best, the oldest noble vine in the world has already been born. As the Mayor of the University of Maribor, I was happy to support your proposal years ago to plant the descendants of our noble vine, which already for five centuries grows in our beautiful Maribor, to plant in Australia. I am proud that the vine has successfully passed the journey to a distant and beautiful Australia, and also found fertile soil, a blessed climate, and above all, diligent people who care for it well.
Unfortunately, on Sunday, April 6, I will not be able to join the first Australian official harvest of the descendants of the oldest noble vine in the world. But I wish you a very pleasant celebration of this beautiful achievement. In Slovenia, harvesting is a happy event. I believe it will be so in friendly Australia.
The old vine now connects the continents, and above all the people who, as the greatest poet, Dr. France Preseren, “we think well in the heart”. Let it be so in the future. Even if we live in different parts of the world, the Old Vine connects us in the common values of coexistence, coexistence, mutual understanding and life joy.
With great respect and best wishes!
Boris Sovič
Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia
Tel Aviv, 27. marec 2008
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
Top Tower 19th Floor, 50 Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv 64 332, Israel
Phone: +972 3 629 3572, Fax: +972 3 528 2214
E-mail: boris.sovic@gov.si, Web: http://telaviv.veleposlanistvo.si/