The Oldest vine Cultural Festival
Shire of Yarra Ranges 2003 Event
YARRA RANGES OLD VINE CULTURAL FESTIVAL – 2003 EVENT – 28th SEPTEMBER The Old Vine was protected in 1981 by the special decree of the Municipality of Maribor, and at that time a group of specialists started rescuing the decaying of the Old Vine.After the revitalization of the Old Vine the yearly pruning has become a resounding event. Each year the city of Maribor gives a graft as a present to another town or community as a sign of friendship and co-operation. The grape harvest has also become a real city festival. Thousands of citizens of Maribor and prominent representatives of the state and of Diplomatic Corps and many others come to watch the grape harvest. On average the Old Vine has yielded 35 to 55 kg of grapes yearly in the last decade.After fermentation the wine is filled into 2,5 dcl bottles which Oskar Kogoj artistically designs. Each year up to 100 bottles of wine made from the Old Vine are filled. They are at the mayor’s disposal for protocol. A Certificate with a serial number and the vintage year accompanies each bottle. The originality is guaranteed by the Maribor seal from the year 1520 and by the city vinedresser. Among others, pope John Paul II and the American president Bill Clinton were the recipients of the bottle. Australian Slovenian Agency for Trading & Cultural ExchangeThe Office for Slovenians Abroad – Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia andSlovenian Embassy Canberra Proudly presents AUSTRALIAN-SLOVENIAN YARRA RANGES OLD VINE CULTURAL FESTIVALSecond Anniversary of the Slovenian Old Vine planted in AustraliaSunday, 28th September 2003atMcWilliams Lillydale Vineyards, 45 Davross Court, Seville East An Australian Slovenian promotional event with a touch of Slovenian traditionwithALPINE COCKTAILDavid Jaksa – Trumpet, Guitar, VocalsJoe Jaksa – Clarinet, Saxophone, VocalsDave Keserovic – Bass, GuitarDavid Richardson – DrumsRene Groiss – Accordion, Keyboards, Guitar, VocalsAlan Ambrose – Guitar (Absent)&Lenti Lenko – Accordion, Keyboards, Guitar, VocalsZalika Rizmal – Vocals Program (12.30 PM) 1. National Anthems – Lenti Lenko & Zalika Rizmal2. Welcome and Opening of the event by Old Vine Coordinator Vinko Rizmal3. Mr. Bojan Bertoncelj – Charge D’Affairs Embassy of Slovenia4. Ms. Heather MsTaggart MP Victorian GovernmentAlso representing Hon John Pandazopoulos MP, Minister for Tourism5. Mr. Alan Fincher Mayor Shire of Yarra Ranges5. A message from Mayor of Maribor Mr. Boris Sovic6. Mr. Max McWilliams – McWilliams Lillydale Vineyards7. Mr. Marjan Lauko – A message of goodwill8. Old Vine Anthem – Na Stajersko gremo – Zalika Rizmal, Lenti Lenko Message from Mayor of Maribor Mr Boris Sovic MESTNA OBCINA MARIBORKABINET ŽUPANASLUŽBA ZA ODNOSE Z JAVNOSTJO UDELEŽENCEM FESTIVALA STARA TRTA V AVSTRALIJI V Mariboru je jesen ponovno pred vrati. Brajda naše Stare trte, ki raste na Lentu, se šibi pod tezo težkih grozdov. Pricakuje se, da bo letošnje vino še posebno sladko, saj smo imeli dolgo, vroce in sušno poletje. Pred nami je trgatev najstarejše trte na svetu, stare vec kot štiristo let. V Mariboru sedaj ze nekaj let skupaj s trgatvijo pripravljamo tudi veliko prireditev, ki trgatev spremljajo, poimenovali pa smo jih s skupnim imenom V objemu Stare trte. Na ogled so postavljeni mnogi jesenski pridelki, ki zrastejo v blizini našega mesta: sadje, zelenjava, buce in bucno olje, predstavljeno je cvetje, drevje in okrasne grmovnice. Osrednji mariborski trgi v poznih septembrskih dneh zlato zazivijo z zgodnjimi jesenskimi dnevi, na ulicah je narava, dišeca v svoji prevleki. Ena izmed najvecjih znamenitosti Maribora, Stara trta, simbol trdozivosti in volje do zivljenja, po vsem svetu nosi s seboj naše sporocilo o povezovanju in sodelovanju, o zivljenju v miru in prijateljstvu. Njena hci raste tudi pri vas. Vsem prebivalkam in prebivalcem Avstralije, še posebej pa tistim, katerih korenine izhajajo iz Slovenije, pošiljamo prisrcen, soncen, jesenski pozdrav iz Maribora, od koder je Stara trta doma. Zelimo vam cim lepše praznovanje vašega praznika, ki ste ga poimenovali po naši stari trti. Z najboljšimi zeljami vas lepo pozdravljam! Boris Sovic, univ. dipl. inž. el. ZUPAN Mr. Boris Sovic – Mayor City of MariborMessage to the partakers of the “Old Vine” celebrations in Australia, In Maribor autumn is once again returning to our doorstep. The trellis of the Old Vine that grows in Lent, the old part of Maribor is already bending under the heavy weight of the grapes. As we had a long dry and hot summer, it is expected that this year’s wine will be particularly sweet. Before us waits the harvesting of the oldest vine in the world. For years in Maribor we have been holding various celebratory functions accompanying the harvest of the old vine, together being named “In the embrace of the old vine”. On exhibition are also other autumn gifts of the land, from the nearby areas of our town fruits, vegetables, pumpkin seed oil, as well as flowers, trees and decorative shrubbery. In the whole town one can feel the nature, the autumn breeze promising harvest. As one of the most famous sights of Maribor, the Old Vine is a symbol of vitality and the love of life, carrying our message of union and collaboration, life and peace and friendship all over the World. The daughter of this powerful emblem grows also with you. We here in Maribor, the home of the Old Vine, send to all Australians, especially people of Slovenian heritage, heartfelt and sunny greetings. We wish you all the best for your celebrations! Sincerely yours,Boris SovicMayor, City of Maribor English Text translated by: Zalika Rizmal Na Festivalu Stare trte 2003, je bila gostja tudi lokalna poslanka Heather McTaggart MP, ki je istocasno zastopala ministra za turizem drzave Viktorije in je med ostalim v svojem porocilu v parlamentu viktorijske vlade spregovorila naslednje besede: Ms. Heather McTaggart MP, member for Evelyn, also representing Victorian minister for Tourism presented in Victorian parlament her interpretation about the event: A message from participating local MP Ms. Heather McTaggart also representing Victorian minister for Tourism Hon John Pandazopoulos MP : On Sunday 28th September, I had the pleasure of attending the second anniversary of the Australian-Slovenian Yarra Ranges old vine cultural festival. Four years ago a project was born. A cutting from the 400 years old vine was brought to Australia and planted at Max McWilliams Lillydale Vineyard in the Yarra Valley. I commend the work of Vinko Rizmal, the project manager from the Australian-Slovenian Agency for Trading and Cultural Exchange, for organizing this fantastic event. Victoria has been blessed by its great diversity in its people, landscape and culture. The Slovenians applauded the fact that Melbourne is one of the most multicultural cities in the world and prides itself on a welcoming attitude towards visitors from all countries. The Slovenian community from all over Victoria attended the celebration. Busloads of people came from Geelong and beyond. We all enjoyed a traditional day with music, food and dance on a beautiful day in the Yarra Valley. I, along with Bojan Betoncelj, the charge d’affairs from the Slovenian embassy in Canberra; the mayor of the Shire of Yarra Ranges, Alan Fincher, presidents and vice-presidents of the Slovenian Clubs in Victoria; and community members, certainly appreciated the warm and friendly anniversary of the old vine. I am delighted to be involved in this project, which strengthens relations between Slovenia and Australia – and I look forward to the first vintage from the old vine.
The Office for Slovenians Abroad – Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Slovenian Embassy Canberra
Australian Slovenian Agency for Trading & Cultural Exchange
Vodusek Meats Cobram, Vic
Toni’s Prestige Motors Mel
McWilliams Lilydale Vineyards
Slovenian National Council of Victoria
Super Internet Site System P/L – SISS21
SS Cyril & Methodius Slovenian Mission Kew Melbourne
SBS Radio – Slovenian program
Radio 3ZZZ – Slovenian Program
Regional radio stations: Geelong,
Matija Cestnik – Video Recording of the Event
Zalika Rizmal, Frenk Petelin
Members of Drustvo Sv. Eme & other individuals
Alpine Cocktail
Lenti Lenko
Participating Organizations, Companies / Individuals and Sponsors – 2003 Event
Mr. Bojan Bertoncelj – Charge D’Affairs Embassy of Slovenia Canberra
Ms. Heather McTaggart MP – Member for Evelyn Vic. Government
Ms. Kelly Delaney – Stuff Member – Ms. Heather McTaggart MP Elec. Office
Mr.. Alan Fincher & Mrs. Fincher – Mayor Shire of Yarra Ranges
Mr Max McWilliams & Mrs. McWilliams – Managing Director McWilliams Lillydale Vineyards
Mrs.. Leslie Wood & Mr John Wood – Past Deputy Mayor Shire of Yarra Ranges
Father Ciril Bozic – SS Cyril & Methodius Slovenian Mission Kew Melbourne
Mr. Frank Vodusek & Mrs. Marija Vodusek – Vodusek Meat Cobram Vic
Mr. Martin Toni & Mrs Kristina Toni – Toni’s Prestige Motors, SA St. Albans Mel.
Mr. Marijan Lauko – Slovenian Charity Walk Personality QLD
Mr. Vinko Rizmal & Mrs. Aurelia Rizmal – Managing Director ASATCE – SBS Radio
Mrs. Karolina Antauer & Mr. Antauer – SBS Radio
Mrs. Meta Lenarcic & Mr. Peter Lenarcic – Radio 3ZZZ Melbourne
Mrs. Francka Nekrep – PULSE – Community Radio Station Geelong – Slovenian Program
Mr. Stefan Merzel &.Mrs. Milena Merzel – Vice President SNS Vic
Mr. Verner Remsnik & Mrs. Remsnik – Vice President SSOV
Mr. Ivo Leber Mrs. Helena Leber – Representative of SIM in Australia
Mrs. Lojzka Kuhar Mr. Joze Matkovic – President SA Geelong
Mrs. Milena Bergoc & Mr. Joze brgoc – President SDM Melbourne
Mr. Milan Ogrizek & Mrs. & Marta Ogrizek – President SK Jadran
Mr. Stefan Srnec & Mrs. Lucija Srnec – Vice President SA Planica
Mrs. Slavica Aisle – Secretary SA Canberra
Mrs. Sandra Krnel – Manager Mother’s Romana Home Kew
- Na Štajerskem raste cvetlica cvetlic
Ponos in simbol je naših goric
Če sonca dovolj je, pa tudi dežja,
Ko pride jesen, sad cudežni da.
Klopotci prepevajo pesem glasno,
Oznanjajo nam, spet brat se bo šlo.
Se jagoda zrela že v brenti smeji,
Iz preše pa most se prvi cedi. - Ce v vinu resnico bi rad poiskal,
Po pameti pij, ce ne, ti bo žal!
Nazdravi z dekletom, poglej jo v oci,
Resnico srce iz njih govori. - NA ŠTAJERSKO GREMO,
Authorized by: SAATCE